RSLC Statement on Nevada Primary 

Washington D.C. — Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) President Dee Duncan released the following statement in response to last night's primary results in Nevada: 

“Democrat-control has been catastrophic for Nevada’s economy, giving the Silver State the second highest unemployment rate in the country, the second highest gas prices in the country, and the seventh highest inflation in the country. And instead of pushing back on Joe Biden and his destructive policies, Nevada Democrats are in lockstep with his failed agenda. The Republican state legislative candidates nominated last night provide newfound hope to Nevadans who have been let down far too often by their leaders in Carson City, which is why voters are switching their party registration from Democrat to Republican in record numbers. The RSLC stands ready to invest the resources necessary to allow Republicans to harness this early enthusiasm to flip seats in November.” 

Background on RSLC in Nevada 

  • Earlier this year, the RSLC named the Nevada Legislature as a top offensive target for 2022 where the committee will try to make meaningful gains.

  • A national battleground survey conducted by the RSLC in January, which included Nevada, found that 51% of voters prefer a Republican candidate who will act as a check and balance on President Biden and his Democratic policies compared to the 40% who would prefer a Democratic candidate who would support President Biden and his Democratic policies.

  • In March, the RSLC launched an ad campaign in Nevada highlighting how failed liberal policies at the state level are crippling domestic energy production, leading to record high gas prices and a dependence on dictators for oil.

  • The committee has included Maine in its “Biden Remorse” national ad campaign that began in April. The campaign targets Americans who regret voting for Joe Biden and his alleged “return to normalcy” in 2020, as they are now being dealt higher prices, a lack of control in their children’s education, and fear of crime in their once-safe neighborhoods. The two ads from this campaign that have run in Maine include:

  • In May, the RSLC released a video that highlights Nevada’s failed economy under Democratic leadership.



RSLC Statement on Maine Primary 


What They're Saying: "The GOP might be able to flip one or both chambers"