RSLC Releases Memo Detailing Roadmap To Success In Virginia

Washington D.C.— The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), released a memo today that details the Republican roadmap to success up-and-down the ballot ahead of the general election in Virginia this fall. The RSLC has made a historic investment in Virginia this year by investing earlier than ever before, coupled with data-driven messaging and a newly implemented absentee ballot/early voting program, putting Republicans in prime position to send political shockwaves through the Old Dominion once again. The multi-pronged approach builds off the committees’ success from 2021, where Republicans were able to retake control of the House of Delegates.

“Republicans have an opportunity to continue advancing their agenda that focuses on empowering parents, creating a better economy while making our communities safer,” said RSLC President Dee Duncan. “We’re very proud to be partnering with Governor Youngkin and his ‘Spirit of Virginia’ PAC to boost Republican turnout this fall through our new absentee ballot/early voting program and will continue to work hand-in-glove with our House and Senate caucus partners to deliver victories for Republicans up-and down the ballot in November. The RSLC PAC stands ready to continue its investment into the Commonwealth and build off our accomplishments from 2021.”

In 2021, the RSLC made significant investments in Virginia that led to Republicans flipping seven seats in the House of Delegates and regaining control of the chamber. Democrats currently have a four seat majority in the State Senate. 

Read the full memo HERE or below. 


Memo: The Significance of Virginia in 2023  


To: Interested Parties

From: Dee Duncan

President, RSLC

Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023

RE: The Significance of Virginia in 2023



Virginia Republicans sent shockwaves through the political universe in 2021 when Republicans took control of the Governor’s mansion and flipped seven seats in the House of Delegates to retake the majority and pass the gavel to Speaker Todd Gilbert. A large part of our success in 2021 was because the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) recruited a diverse slate of candidates who were able to compete in suburban battlegrounds, crafted a winning message for our candidates to deliver to Virginia voters, and utilized a data-driven strategy that was able to identify winnable races by spending money early and often in the Commonwealth. Heading into the general election in 2023 this fall, it is our job to defend our razor-thin majority in the House of Delegates while capitalizing on the opportunities available to us in the Virginia Senate where Democrats currently hold a four-seat advantage. The RSLC PAC stands ready to continue its investment into the Commonwealth and build off our accomplishments from 2021.

However, there remain significant hurdles that stand in our way of success in November. National Democrats are using the chambers they flipped in 2022 as fuel to come back with even more resources this cycle, and the only way to stop them is to work together to grow the RSLC to new heights. We need to set the bar higher and start comparing ourselves against the constellation of national liberal outside groups that drastically outspent us last cycle. 

We also must adapt to the current political climate and use new tools in our fight for control of the Old Dominion. That’s why this year, we’re proud to be partnering with Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia PAC to implement an aggressive absentee ballot and early vote program to get our voters to the polls ahead of Election Day, because when Republicans vote early, we win. As this memo will detail, our effort in Virginia offers a roadmap for Republican candidates and committees up-and-down the ballot ahead of the elections this fall.



In 2021, Republicans in Virginia flipped seven House of Delegates seats to regain control of the chamber, snapping a three-cycle streak of net losses in the process. Republicans were able to overcome a 2:1 spending disparity to achieve this massive milestone. The RSLC PAC played a significant role in that success, spending close to four million dollars in contributions that led to following candidates defeating Democratic incumbents in the general election: 


HD 12: Jason Ballard defeated Chris Hurst HD-28: Tara Durant defeated Josh Cole HD-63: Kim Taylor defeated Lashrecrese Aird HD-75: Otto Wachsmann defeated Roslyn Tyler HD-83: Tim Anderson defeated Nancy Guy HD-85: Karen Greenhalgh defeated Alex Askew HD-91: A.C. Cordoza defeated Martha Mugler 

We also invested more than $350,000 in the Virginia lieutenant governor’s race in support of Winsome Earle-Sears, making the RSLC PAC the largest supporter of Sears’ campaign. 

The RSLC PAC has continued its investment in Virginia this year, already spending six-figures before the primaries in the form of direct contributions and targeted campaigns. This was a direct promise made by RSLC PAC following the 2021 election, where we pledged to play a larger role in primaries to get quality candidates into the general election. As vowed, this was our largest pre-primary spend in Virginia history, and the RSLC PAC will continue to work with our partners in-state to invest the proper resources needed to ensure our nominees have the necessary support to overcome the Democrat money machine that outraised Republicans by more than 2:1 in 2021. 



Republicans are focusing their attention to messaging on the following issues;


Education – Democrats referring to parental empowerment as ‘crap’ and ‘garbage’, refusing to speak out against attacks on advanced diplomas and higher educational standards and allowing educational standards to remain low. 


The Economy – While Virginia Republicans were able to get $4 billion worth of tax cuts signed into law, Democrats blocked additional tax relief for businesses, making the state less competitive.


Crime – Democrats blocked legislation that would have charged a drug dealer with a felony homicide if a user dies of an overdose from a narcotic like fentanyl, supporting policies that have driven up crime statewide according to the recent crime report that was released. 

Republicans rode the wave of parental empowerment and improving the education system in 2021, following Terry McAuliffe’s now infamous debate stage blunder where he said that parents “shouldn’t be telling teachers what their kids should be taught in the classroom.” Democrats are doubling down on their war against Virginia parents this year, and Republicans must continue to drive home a simple message to voters: parents matter. 

Bidenflation has already cost Virginians nearly $10,000 per household, which is why Republicans used their majority in the House of Delegates to pass a sweeping  $4 billion tax reform package, making businesses more competitive while delivering critical relief for hard working Virginians. Voters will continue to connect the failing economy to Democratic leadership in Richmond and Washington D.C., and it is our job to remind voters that Democrats are to blame for the poor economic conditions due to their overburdensome regulatory policies.

Crime will continue to be a key part of the Republican agenda in Virginia, as they continue their pledge to make communities safer. This past session, Senate Democrats blocked Republican-led legislation that would have enacted stricter penalties on dangerous drug dealers who sell deadly narcotics like fentanyl. Republicans must continue to remind Virginians that Democrats are to blame for the crime wave seen from coast-to-coast including in Virginia.

These three issues are driving enthusiasm among Republican voters and will serve as critical factors in key battleground districts across the Commonwealth. In our first paid media effort of this year, we showcased how Virginia Democrats voted against legislation that would have strengthened penalties for drug dealers, despite their support for the same measure in 2020. The five-figure effort was launched across digital platforms in Virginia, and we will continue to call out Virginia Democrats for their blatant hypocrisy.

Our most recent ad campaign holds Democrats accountable for rejecting parental rights, as heard in viral audio clips obtained by RSLC PAC. The campaign drives home the importance of this issue to Virginia voters, as Democrats continue to prioritize Randi Weingarten and teachers’ unions over Virginia parents and children.

Finally, Virginia Democrats have proven that they are unfit to lead in Virginia. Time and time again, they refused to work on passing an agenda to benefit all Virginians this past session including:

Blocking tax relief designed to make the commonwealth more competitive. Blocking a bill to repeal the adoption of California vehicle emissions standards that will ban new gas vehicles from being sold by 2035. Blocking multiple bills that would improve Virginia’s education system. Blocking a bill that would have expanded the supplement of the state’s sex offender registry. 



Simply put, the past two election cycles taught Republicans that we need to do better when it comes to absentee and early voting. By implementing an absentee and early voting program that will target low propensity voters, we feel confident that a significant increase in turnout of these types of voters will help us win elections at the margins. Democrats were very effective in targeting low propensity voters around the country in 2022, and we must start combatting this strategic advantage in Virginia. Last week, in partnership with Governor Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia PAC, the Republican Party of Virginia, and the Virginia House Caucus and Virginia Senate Caucus, was launched, which serves as a one-stop shop for voters to make their plan to cast their ballot early or by absentee voting. Having strong partnerships in-state on these efforts will allow us to get our voters to the polls early and often as part of a broader effort to boost turnout for Republicans. 



Success in Virginia this year hinges on our ability to maintain control of the House of Delegates while taking advantage of the opportunities we have in the Senate that continue to chip away at the Democrat majority. Virginia Republicans are united thanks to the leadership of Governor Youngkin and we’re proud to be working hand-in-glove with his Spirit of Virginia PAC alongside our Virginia House Caucus and Virginia Senate Caucus partners.

Republicans have another strong group of diverse candidates heading into the general election, with effective messaging and a data-driven strategy to boost Republican turnout while the Democrats are coming off of a divisive primary that created an even more radicalized group of Virginia Democrats. This is good news for Republicans, but do not be fooled. Democrats will be energized, and they will be backed with larger sums of money from national liberal outside groups who want to take back trifecta power in Virginia and disband the great work Governor Youngkin and his Republican allies in Richmond have been able to accomplish. Together with your help and support this year, we will be able to ensure that Virginia Republicans are successful up-and-down the ballot so that we can continue to pass commonsense conservative solutions for all Virginians.



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