Republican-Led States Overcome Spiraling National Economy and Maintain Strong Employment Numbers 

Washington, D.C. – With the national economy continuing its' downward spiral as a result of Washington Democrats' tax hikes and out-of-control spending, good state leadership has never been more important. Especially after a week where Americans saw the cost of groceries skyrocket to a 40-year high and watched their 401ks take the biggest dive since March of 2020. While Republican-led states delivered a ray of hope today with another month of strong employment numbers, unfortunately Democrat-led states who have mimicked the Biden agenda saw more bad news and warning signs of hard times ahead. 

August’s state economic data from the BLS shows:

  • 8 of the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates have Republican-led legislatures

  • 8 of the 10 states with the highest unemployment rates have Democrat-led legislatures

  • 12 Democrat-led states saw their unemployment rates increase in August.

  • 7 states with Republican-led legislatures hit record-low unemployment in August

“Another month where the data is crystal clear: Republican-led states are leading while Democrat-led states are falling behind and going the wrong direction,” said RSLC Communications Director Andrew Romeo. “GOP-led states' keys to success are simple -- keep taxes low, keep communities safe, and do the opposite of whatever Joe Biden does. State Republicans will continue to Biden proof their economies and improve their constituents' quality of life.”  




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