New RSLC Video Blasts Democrats for Hypocritical Gerrymandering

Video Spotlights Egregious Democrat Gerrymanders in Illinois, Maryland, and Oregon

Washington D.C.-- The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) today released a new video titled “Hypocrisy,” highlighting how Democrats like Eric Holder and President Obama claim that Republican gerrymandering is a threat to democracy, but have stood by in hypocritical silence as Democrats across the country have spent the last few months trying to draw themselves into power for the next decade. The video emphasizes how liberal-led legislatures in states like Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, and across the country are using gerrymandering as a way to try to offset the losses they fear their party will suffer at the polls in November as a result of the failed socialist agenda being pursued by Democrats in Washington. 

“The refusal of Eric Holder and President Obama to condemn gerrymandering in liberal-led states makes clear that Democrats don’t actually care about ‘fair maps’ and will say whatever they need to in order to gain power,” said RSLC National Press Secretary Stephanie Rivera. “With voters rejecting their out-of-touch socialist agenda that has produced crisis after crisis, Democrats know that the egregious gerrymandering they are currently engaging in is the only recourse they have left to win elections.”

Watch “Hypocrisy” HERE



NARRATOR: Democrats rail against gerrymandering. 


Eric Holder (clip): Gerrymandering is cheating.


Barack Obama (clip): And regardless of our party affiliations, it’s not good for our democracy. 


NARRATOR: Unless they’re the ones doing it. And they’re doing it all across the country. And what do they have to say about these egregious districts drawn by liberals? No comment. In liberal-led states like Oregon, Illinois, and Maryland, Democrats are handing themselves more control. With voters rejecting Washington’s failures, gerrymandering is the only hope left for the radical liberal agenda. In order to gain power, Democrats say one thing and do another. The word is hypocrisy. It’s time to call out liberal gerrymandering. 




  • Despite the rhetoric from Democrats that Republicans are threatening democracy with gerrymandering, the numbers tell a different story. A recent analysis from the Cook Political Report noted that Democrats have grown the total number of Biden districts in comparison to the 2020 maps in the states that have completed redistricting.

  • Democrat-led legislatures have pursued aggressive gerrymanders in the following states:





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