New Poll Shows Biden Dragging Down Arizona Democrats, as Republicans Hold Lead on Generic Ballot for State Legislature

Arizonans aren’t pleased with President Biden and he is even dragging down Democrat state legislators. A new Cygnal poll commissioned by the Republican State Leadership Committee finds:

President Biden’s image is underwater by a massive 14 points (42-56).

  • Only 37% of voters want the state legislature to support the policies coming out of Washington compared to the 51% who say they want the legislature to push back against D.C.’s agenda.

  • Republican state legislative candidates are ahead on the generic ballot by seven points (49-42).


Read the full Arizona polling memo from Cygnal HERE

“Arizonans realize the Republican-controlled legislature is holding the line against the failed ideas coming out of Washington like soft-on-crime policies, and a radical taxing and spending agenda. Republicans in the Arizona legislature have a proven track record of supporting commonsense legislation that benefits their constituents, and Arizonans will continue to vote for more Republican leadership come November.”  - RSLC National Press Secretary Stephanie Rivera.



Last week the RSLC released a separate national battleground survey (also conducted by Cygnal)  that showed that the radical liberal agenda being pursued by President Biden and his allies in Washington, D.C. is sinking Democrats at the state legislative level in a number of key battleground states across the country. Arizona was one of the states that was polled. The findings garnered significant national attention from: 


  • Washington Examiner: "Down-ballot Republicans have advantage as Biden drags down Dems: Poll"

  • National Review: "Biden’s Poor Approval Ratings Could Drag Down State-Level Dems in Midterms, New Poll Shows"

  • The Washington Times: "GOP on track for battleground gains as Biden drags down ticket in key states: poll"

  • Townhall: "President Biden Is Dragging Democrats Down the Drain with Him"

  • Breitbart: "Poll: State Republicans Lead Democrats by Six Points on Generic Ballot




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